• Pipes PP-H
    • Fittings PP-H
    • Manual Valves Ball Valve| Butterfly Valve| Diaphragm Valve| Check Valve
    • Actuated Valves Penumatic Valve| Electric Valve

FIP produced valves and fittings in various thermoplastic materials since 1954. There are lots of material FIP can offer, such as PVC-U, PP-H, C-PVC, and PVDF. FIP devotes in supplying products on transporting fluids in pressure piping systems all over the world.

- Electronics industry

- Semiconductor industry

- TFT-LCD industry

- Panel Industry

- Wastewater treatment


- Acid waste discharge system

- Impregnation system in steel plant

- Electroplating solution transportation system

- Brine system

- Deionized water system

- Seawater transportation system

- Irrigation system

- Wire conduit system

- Air conditioning system